Saturday, July 26, 2008

Are my Pregnant Golfing Days Numbered?

I was given the "go-ahead" by my doctor to continue golfing throughout my pregnancy. So far, with only 8 weeks to go, I'm still able to get out there and swing a club with a reasonable outcome! My accuracy is farely consistant, but I can definitely tell there is a considerable difference in the distance the ball goes. Tiffany was in a golf shop this past week and one of the MALE employees commented on how you should be able to play better when you are pregnant because your center of balance hangs over the ball!!! HA!!! Are you kidding me? I thought, "what a GUY thing to say...obviously he hasn't been pregnant!!!" :) Apparently he doesn't know what its like to swing a club without any stomach muscles!!! Or that your "balance" is the first thing to go when you're pregnant! Men, I swear!!! :)

Needless to say, I am still out there enjoying myself and the fresh air before my world gets turned upside down (again) with a newborn!

Picture is at 32 weeks...8 weeks to go--or less:) or maybe more:(

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