Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Veteran's Day!

To my husband, father, all of our military friends and relatives, and to the families that make the sacrifice...THANK YOU! Happy Veteran's Day!
Kailee sporting her USA outfit (thanks Amber and Madison!)

Hailey wearing her favorite pajamas...a t-shirt from Leevi's work...they are called the Watchdogs, so Hailey calls it her Doggie jammies. She wasn't sleeping in this picture, just not willing to cooperate! :)

1 comment:

Amy Ross said...

I like the new look of your blog!

Your girls are adorable, Claudia!

Yeah, we are really enjoying the fall, but I know how you feel having spent the last seven falls/winters in a tropical climate too! I'm sure come mid-winter when it is gray and cold, we'll miss our sunny, hot Florida...