Monday, February 16, 2009

Blog Book...A MUST!!!

I had been tossing around the idea in my head about turning my blog into a book just to have these precious memories saved forever. Recently, friends of mine have had computers crash and even blogs deleted losing all those priceless memories, pictures, and thoughts. I googled "turn blog into book" and found this amazing website! For free you can download a program that "slurps" (as they call it) your blog into a book. It was too simple! Even if I never created the hardcopy of the book (which I'm sure I will) at least the blog is saved on my computer. It will definitely take some time to go through and customize each page, but I'm thinking I will create one book per year. My grandfather was a big story teller and documented all of his thoughts into journals. When he passed away a few years ago my dad and his brother found countless journals, notepads, and scraps of paper of stories he had put into writing. We sat around as a family each flipping through a journal and reading aloud a funny story we came across about the boys growing up or even his thoughts when dating my grandmother!!!! It was amazing. I'd love for Hailey and Kailee to have these memories too. Anyway, enough of the mushy stuff. Here's the link to the website. If you have a blog, DO IT!!! If you don't have a blog, start one!!!!! :)

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