Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Target Here I Come!!

I have waited 6 long years on this island for my wishes to come true! Target opens TOMORROW! I hope I'll be able to sleep tonight! And it's right down our hill (which is great, but also very dangerous!) I got my first Target coupon flyer in the mail and had to laugh at the picture on the cover...the girl has a can of Spam in her basket! Yes, they do serve Spam and Eggs at McDonalds for breakfast and apparently Target wants the locals to be sure they know Target sells it too (It was even pictured again on a page inside!!)! I also saw a newscast where the employees have on their "target red" shirt, but they have Aloha print! So exciting!

Since I have the babies all day tomorrow, I'll have to wait until the evening. I know I'm insane to go there on opening day, but why not?! I'm not dragging the girls into the crowd neighbor is coming over to hang out with my sleeping babes after I put them to bed for the night. That way I can browse at my leisure until they kick me out!

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