Sunday, August 30, 2009

Tidbits from Hailey Part IX

Hailey is loving being the "big kid" of the babies during the day. From about 9am until sometimes 4pm the 4 younger kids are rotating through naps, so Hailey, who doesn't nap, gets some one-on-one time with each of them. :) She suckers Gavin into some sort of role playing everyday. Last week she was stuck on playing "airport" with him. He's only 20 months so his attention span isn't close to what a 3 yr old's is in terms of imaginary play, but it really cracks me up with how much he follows her around. He'll loose interest and wander away and she'll yell at him, "Gavin, that's our house (her kitchen area), the airport is over here (the couches) or "Gavin, you're on the wrong plane!!! You're going to miss your Grandma!!!"

On the plane...
Poor Gavin, I don't think he realized what he was getting himself into...:)She will also refer to herself as "Auntie Hailey" sometimes! What a nut!!

She has a different game that she plays with Jackson...he is usually the first baby awake from his morning nap. They LOVE to wrestle and snuggle...Jackson will chase Hailey anywhere! She calls him "Big Buddy" or "My Prince" She incorporates some sort of Dora/map game where she has to get to "her Prince" and it usually involves Leila's bedPoor'd think she'd go upstairs to sleep!And a few random thoughts and pictures....

Hailey told me that "girls are beautiful and boys are handsomeful" :)

And my favorite: Mariah (our 12 yr old neighbor) babysat her last weekend while Kailee and I went commissary shopping. I paid Mariah when I got home and then asked Hailey to try and keep Kailee busy while I got the groceries unloaded. She replied, "ok, but you have to pay me like Mariah!"

That bedhead would scare anyone even without the monster face! :)
The artistic ballerina!Her face painting at Jackson's 1st birthday party!

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