Sunday, October 18, 2009

Soccer Round Two!!

I was SO relieved today when Hailey participated in the entire soccer practice!!!!! I was so proud of her as I watched from the sidelines, sneaking over every now and then to take a picture. Maybe she did better this week because she knew what to expect. They still didn't use a ball, but since Hailey knew that she was o.k. with it. From a VERY early age as long as I prep her with the days events then she is fine. Even if it is something as simple as "Tiffany is picking us up and you are going to ride in Rylee's carseat" verses expecting to ride in her own and then getting all worked up when something so simple doesn't go like she had pictured it. Ha! That sort of sounds like she has a disorder or, not at all. :) You just have to expect the unexpected with a toddler and if as a parent you can think one step ahead of them at all times, you just save yourself a whole lot of headaches! :) I WILL be smarter than my 3 year old!
"Go Team"
"Snaking" through the cones
Sniper!!!! Slow down there, Tiger!
A self-portrait...I let her look at the soccer videos in the car after practice on our way to run some errands and she decided to take a few (probably 20!!) pictures...
I liked this one because it's neat to see her view from the back seat....there was actually an entire series of me parking the car here! :)
And a makes me laugh...the first clip, she was supposed to run up the coach and freeze and then give him a high five (you'll see the kid behind her do it correctly) and then she cut in line and went again, just a few kids later. We talked about the line cutting...don't think she did it on purpose, but just was confused as to where the END of the line WAS. :)

1 comment:

Stephanie Buelow said...

What a big girl she is! I'm glad she enjoyed herself- I know she has been so EXCITED about soccer (apparently Gavin is going to "play soccer soon" too!