Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Random Photos

We have been really busy lately (which is helping the time fly until Leevi gets home...less than a month!!) I haven't had time to update the blog on specific events, so I'll just do a hodge podge post of everything recent....
Who needs toys when you can make a train out of a beer box?
Such the imagination...her form of baseball: flower hat, a flute, bathroom stool, soft ball and she even used the bead runner as her trophy! And she made Gavin play along! Maybe Leila was the ump

The girls at Trish and Justin's wedding
Bonsack, Tiff, me
"I love being a little sister"
"I love being a big sister"
Playing "nigh-night"
"Um, I didn't do anything. Did you do anything?!"
Worn out from her big sister role! She fell asleep at 4:50pm and didn't wake up until 6:30am!
And my FAVORITE! She knows all about how tough it is to be a big sister! The best thing about this photo is that this is exactly how I found her. Nobody was around her. I had no idea how long she has been sitting like this!!!!!!!!!!!! SUCH a great dog!!!!!!!!


jadixon1 said...

Hey, it's Jenn :). That's one of the funniest pictures I've ever seen!

Just me said...

I love all of the pictures and Leila is a GREAT dog! :)