Monday, January 11, 2010

Alaska Prep

As we've been researching about Alaska and our upcoming move I came across a neat website that listed "things you need to know before you move to Alaska" Despite the obvious climate change factor, we are curious to see how much Alaska is like Hawaii...the isolation, the expense, the same weather all year, the outdoor activities/sports. We are so excited to snowboard and sled. There is even a ski lodge on post!!!! Obviously, not a resort, but it even has a lift and sledding hills and ice skating! The website listed some Alaskan Slang you should know, so you don't stick out like a sore thumb. It, ironically, is very similar to Hawaiian Slang:
  • In Hawaii: A mainlander is a Hao'le; vs. a Local
  • In Alaska: A newcomer is a Cheechako vs. a Sourdough
  • In Hawaii: when we travel to the continental U.S. we say, "going to the mainland"
  • In Alaska: when they travel to the continental U.S. they say, "going outside"
  • In Hawaii: flip flops are called "slippahs"
  • In Alaska: their snow/fur boots is called a "Mukluk"
  • In Hawaii: locals always end their sentences with "yeah?" i.e. "The ski is blue, yeah?"
  • In Alaska: locals end their sentences with "don't you know?" i.e. "The ski is blue, don't you know?"
  • In Hawaii: getting homesick is called having "rock fever"
  • In Alaska: getting homesick is called having "cabin fever"
  • In Hawaii: we have the famous Eddie Aikau surfing competition
  • In Alaska: they have the famous Iditarod dog sled race

Other things I've found out...

Moose Nuggets is moose poop!!! And apparently is EVERYWHERE and they even sell it as novelty gifts (earrings, ornaments, paper weights!) Ha! Guess what everyone will be getting for Christmas next year?! :)

Termination Dust is the first snow of the year which sends everyone into a panic and provokes a huge shopping spree to hunker down for the winter! Ughh!!!

Artic Entry is a concept of a mud room where you can declothe and leave all your soppy snow gear before you enter the main part of the house. It will be nice if our place has one considering a certain 2 yr old and 4 yr old will probably be playing in the snow everyday! :)

Most houses have heated garages or heater plugs to plug your car grill in to keep it from freezing

On a U.S. map, Alaska is always cut and pasted (just like Hawaii) so it can fit. When you put it where is belongs, it's crazy to realize how far away it really is! But, thankfully for us, it is directly North of Hawaii, so our flight there to move is non-stop and only about 6 hours!

I've started my hunt for our new winter wardrobe and hope I can hit up all the winter clearance. I went out on Friday and found a couple of things, but most of the stuff for the girls wasn't discounted enough yet for me to stock up! I did find a winter coat for Leila! Her fur is so thin (and her belly is bare!). She wore a sweater when we lived in Missouri! She actually LOVED it because she knew when I brought it out that is was walk time!!!

Nothing exciting for the girls, but I did find $5 sweaters for Leevi and I at Target!!
My only splurge was on pajamas for the girls. I couldn't pass them up...they have Eskimos and a moose that is PINK! Hailey is going to flip! :) I will keep my eye on them at Target to see if they go on clearance and maybe I can get a price adjustment. ???

1 comment:

Stephanie Buelow said...

I saw that sweater at Old Navy that you bought for Leila - was going to buy it for her as a gift, but thought I would wait to see if it went on clearance! Ha! Glad I didn't ;)