Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day

Since Leevi and I had our Valentine's Day date a few days earlier, we decided to have a family Valentine's beach day and sunset picnic at KoOlina. The girls had a BLAST and the sunset was amazing! I feel almost guilty creating this post considering I read a news article a few days ago about every state in the U.S. having snow except Hawaii! The weather isn't always this perfect in February, but it was beautiful today. We played, ate dinner, got cleaned up and packed the car and then let the girls run around in the grass until the sunset.
Kailee thinking, "How the heck did I end up under here?!"

Valentine cookies after dinner

Cookie plus a little sand...she did great about not intentionally eating the sand this time
I think we saw at least 3 weddings while we were there (Valentine's special). Japanese tourists shell out a couple thousand dollars to come to KoOlina and get married. It's almost as if they are eloping...we rarely see any wedding party or family. They rent the dress and tux and get married and then walk onto the beach for pictures. I always wonder if they are able to edit the beach-goers out of the pics

Wrestling with Daddy
Yep, she threw this shoe at me!
We played hide-n-seek and this was Leevi and Kailee's hiding spot!

It was perfect!!!!
No exaggeration on this: Hailey asked if we could watch the moon come up after the sun went down and then she said, "Does this look like the moon?!" (see pic below!!!) Leevi and I were rolling and almost missed the sunset because of tears in our eyes! Don't know where she comes up with this stuff!!!!!????

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!!!!!!!!

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