Monday, August 9, 2010

Major MacDonald

I'm finally getting around to posting about Leevi's promotion ceremony last Wednesday! We are so proud of him!!!! The ceremony was quick and then he had to rush off to a briefing so we didn't get very many good pictures. After work his co-workers took us out to dinner at a quaint but fancy Italian restaurant. I turned to Leevi as we walked in passing table settings with long stemmed glassware and said, "this is going to be a nightmare!" (We had the girls with us!!!) When I came out of the bathroom Kailee was crawling under the table playing kitty. I grabbed her and excused us and drove around the block and got her to sleep...we payed for it later that night because she was up late but it was oh so worth it to have a peaceful, stress-free dinner. (Hailey did a great job coloring quietly during the meal)

Col McBride promoting Leevi (his boss's boss)
Kailee had been playing with his new pin (the oak leaf) and wanted it backThe reception line...the best we got of a family shot! Kailee was ridiculously adorable and wanted to shake everyone's hands too.The best we could do for a family photo! :) Hailey drew this for Leevi to hang in his office. The top is night and day; the family order is Kailee, Me, Leevi, and Hailey walking Leila. Hailey commented that it was hard to draw my hair down so she asked "do you mind if your hair looks like this?" :) This was a two day project and we are very proud of her masterpiece! :)
Just for fun I thought I'd throw in this was from Leevi's commissioning ceremony almost 10 years ago. 2nd Lieutenant MacDonald and his girlfriend! :)
Can you believe she won this Tigger in one of those silly claw money machines at a store???!!! She did it all by herself on one try! The Promotion BBQ on Friday with our neighborhood friends and the Kents
The neighborhood kids (plus Nora & David and minus Isabella & Noah who had headed off to bed)
Promotion flowers from Major Daddy (thats what Hailey called him) to all of his girls

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