Friday, January 7, 2011

Ready for the Playoffs

One of our biggest complaints about living in Germany is missing most of the NFL games. We were REALLY spoiled in Hawaii with the time zone because football was on all day on Sunday starting at 7am! And we wouldn't have to stay up late to watch Monday night football because it was on in the early afternoon! I like having it on while doing the dishes or folding the laundry because I don't really have to pay attention or try to hear etc. But now in Germany since we are ahead of everyone we can typically only catch the first game and sometimes I can't even make it to the end. Leevi was faithful to his Cowboys and would set his alarm to get up for the 2am start time or stay awake to start the 10pm game but after the wonderful season that the Cowboys had he decided that sleep was more important!

Now that the playoffs are here we decided to use a Playoff Bracket and pick our winners! We thought it be fun to let Hailey pick (according to which mascots she likes!) and then when Hailey was choosing of course Kailee wanted in on the action. It'll be fun because all four of us ended up with different winning teams.

Leevi: Atlanta Falcons
Claudia: Philadelphia Eagles
Hailey: Indianapolis Colts
Kailee: Chicago Bears

I asked Hailey what the family winner should get and she replied that she wanted a diamond! :) Kailee asked for a Minnie Mouse. And Hailey suggested that I would want a new calendar (odd because I really do need a new pocket one) and that Leevi would want kisses from all of his girls! :) Too funny!

May the best man/woman win!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Just me said...

I love Hailey's bracket!! I will wake up at 0700/Sunday to watch the Seahawks, hopefully, beat New Orleans!!
