Tuesday, March 1, 2011


When we woke up Monday morning at the resort the snow had piled up over night and it was still snowing. We hadn't seen snow since the beginning of January at home and they have great hills in Garmish and I wanted to go sledding (no one else was really that interested...Hailey wanted to go swimming!) :) So to appease mom we bundled up and rented two sleds and headed out first at the resort. We couldn't find a hill while walking but the girls did have fun at the park.We loaded up in the truck and drove about 5 minutes away to a country hillside. Kailee fell asleep on that short drive and took a little while to perk up! It was perfect!!!!
We had the hill to ourselves and lasted as long as the girls let us. The powder snow really blew up in your face at the end of your run (the girls needs ski masks!)
Kailee was a good sport but after a couple of rides she was content at just sitting at the top (that nap really threw her off)
After her sledding run (and the snow wiped off her poor face!) After sledding we headed back to the lodge for lunch and went swimming one more time. We stayed outside the entire time in the large hot tub while it snowed! They crashed instantly on the car ride home and slept until the last 45 minutes of the almost four hour ride. It was wonderful and we didn't even have to stop once for a potty break (although I'm usually the first one that has to pee!) And a video of Hailey sledding and then me...

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