Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Spa Sleepover Party

I survived my first BIG sleepover and our first "kid only" party without the parents/siblings hanging around!!!  I made Hailey be very picky in her guest list and we only invited her 4 closest buddies.  I'm not a big fan of "invite the whole class to be polite" kind of parties and these four girls have been to our house for several playdates or babysitting nights and actually 3 out of the 4 have spent the night at one time or another, so I felt confident that I wasn't getting in over my head!  :)  The girls had a blast and were way more calm than I expected!  :)  After a pizza dinner we started on the festivities...Leevi disappeared upstairs :)  and came down when I needed him and Kai actually hung up there a lot up with him by choice which was nice that Hailey didn't have to share her friends/party with her little sister!  :) 

The invites!!!

Hailey wanted to pose with her nail polish cake after school and I had planned on taking her picture with it after she was dresssed for her spa day but I forgot, so I'm glad we snuck this one in there.  
I didn't go overboard on the decorations considering it was only 5-6 yrs there to appreciate them! :)  The tissue paper pom-poms are quick, cheap, and super easy to make (google it!)  Of course the PX didn't have the colors I wanted so I opted for the crisp, spa white!  ;)  Leevi upload some new Kid Bop songs on Hailey's iPod, so the girls jammed out with her iDog speakers. 
 Craft time!!!!!
Gotta love Melissa and Doug....my girls have had a blast doing M&D crafts like these in the past.  The kit included a wooden jewelry box, paints, paint brush, glitter glue, glue and jewels to glue on....for a great price on Amazon!  And this was their 'party favor' to take home. 
 Spa time!!!!!!
The girls, of course, wanted to paint their own nails, so I had it easy....although they did have to sit there for awhile to let the gobs of paint dry!  :) 
 Cake and present time!!!!!
The sparkler candle was quite exciting (probably a little much for 6 screaming girls!)  :) 

I wish I had thought to see if the face mask I bought was clear or green but I didn't check until right before the party....they still had fun getting gooped up!!!! 
 Playtime between activities!
These recycled juice bottles worked great for water bottles for the girls Friday night/Saturday morning....no confusion over cups and no spills to worry about! 

Movie time and Bedtime (finally!) :)  
We watched Swiss Family Robinson, but only made it through about half of it because it was getting so late.  The girls didn't object to bedtime and all crashed within about 20 minutes!  It probably helped that they had had school that day too!  They fell asleep around 10:30 and slept until between 8-8:30....I was so glad they slept in and weren't up at the crack of dawn because they weren't in their own beds! 

Happy 6th Birthday, Hailey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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