Saturday, May 12, 2012

One Month Old!!!!!

I can't get over at how fast this month flew by!!!!!!  Yet, at the same time it seems that Luke has been a part of our lives forever.  He's a great baby and adored beyond belief by his sisters.  He's going through stages of catnaps for a few days and then sleeping all day for a few days.  My housework gets so behind on those "catnap" days but then I can make up for it on the "sleep" days.  (Laundry has consumed my life it seems and I need to make the time to sort through all of our clothes to switch out the winter/summer ones!) He is amazing through the night though and only up to quickly eat and then back to sleep so I really can't complain! 

He has started to make sounds other than a cry or a grunt!  I can't exactly call them "coos" yet, but it's getting close.  We're going to enter a whole new world of excitement when he starts responding to the girls!  :) 

Sorry about the amount of pictures....the website I used for collages has closed and I'm desperately waiting for the new site, Picmonkey, to put on their collage feature!!!   

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