Monday, December 31, 2012

Grayson's visit

Leevi's cousin, Grayson, was touring around Europe for a semester before he starts his freshman year of college!  We were so happy that he added us as a stop and was able to stay for almost three weeks.  While the majority of the time at home was spent wrestling (as depicted in the first three pictures!)  I promised we did take him out a bit to see the sights of Germany! 

 Professional soccer game with Leevi (insanity!!!)
 Burgruine Windeck
He and Leevi also went go-carting (I probably need to get those pics off of Leevi's phone)  Picture autobahn style racing!!!  Holy moly!!!!  Both of them were soooooo sore the next day!   And Grayson was also able to spend Thanksgiving with us!  He was beyond helpful with the kids and it was so good to have some family visit! 

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