Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Rock Wall

There is an awesome rock wall inside Outdoor Rec at the Ramstein BX...not sure why we haven't attempted in the past two years, but the girls had a blast and are looking forward to going again! 
We originally tried to go with two other families before going out to dinner together, but it was too crowded and we were worried about a long wait at the restaurant.  We thought we'd have time to go back after dinner, but we didn't and yikes, that definitely didn't go over well!  I missed the meltdowns and attempted to smooth things over by offering to take the girls the following day, BUT apparently if I had witnessed the tantrums I would have thought otherwise!  Oh, parenting...definitely the most challenging (yet rewarding!!!) job in the world!!!

Scoping it out the following day!
Brave BIG girls!
 Hailey's second climb...significantly higher than the first wall
She started whimpering a bit, but plowed through it and took direction well from the instructor!
No bell on this one, but there was a ring to touch when you reached the top.  She was pretty scared to let go and reach for it, but she did!!!!
Repelling down
Kai using her monkey skills!
 Getting ready to ring the bell
 Being a monkey over on the Boulder

And a video...

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