Tuesday, April 2, 2013

11 months old!!!!!

(I still can't seem to get caught up, but I HAVE to get this post in before our little man's birthday!!!!)  Leevi will be off for a few days before we leave for Ireland and then the States, so I hope to get caught up by then before I have so much more to blog about from our 3 week adventure!!!)
Sniff, sniff, is all I have to say....where in the world does the time go???!!!!  Let me get all of my tears out now, so I'll be happy enough to celebrate this little man turning ONE in a few weeks!!!!! 
Luke hit quite a few more milestones this month...he's definitely walking now and not just "stepping" and he learned to clap, point, and dance all in the same week.   

11 months, you have got to be kidding me!!!!!!!  I told Leevi that I am really having a hard time with him turning one already!  His response was, "it's ok, let's just have another!"  No comment!  :) 
The morning sun was shining soooo bright, so I decided to play with one of my lenses with the r-a-r-e natural light!!!!  I read a report that this winter has been the gloomiest winter in Germany in 43 years!  I'm just glad that it wasn't our first winter after leaving Hawaii or we may have had to buy some "happy lights"!  
 He still has just the two teeth, but I think I can see the top ones getting close!  Kai says that "he has two on the bottom and six on the top that still need to get grown"  :) 
I can think of a million captions for the pic on the right! :) 

I could just eat him up!!!
 Big Boy snack time...
I finally remembered to get a picture of him in this outfit from Uncle Mike!

A boy and his dog...I have no idea why she tortures herself!  :)

Random iPhone pics...my kitchen helper, boxcar rides, keeping up with the big kids, still climbing!
Now that he is walking better, we will definitely join the girls outside more often (IF it ever stops snowing!!!)
He L-O-V-E-S strawberries!!!  Maybe he was trying to save this one for later!

And a cute video of a secret dance party!

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