Sunday, June 23, 2013

Ireland, Day Six: Ladies View, Town of Killarney

This was definitely my most favorite day of exploring (probably because the sun was shining!!!)  Ladies View, named by Queen Victoria of the UK while visiting Ireland in 1861, is a stop on the Ring of Kerry in Killarney National Park but since it was so close to our rental, we saved it for another day.  I'm guessing most people just pull over for a picture, but we walked/hiked around below on the rocks for a good 45 minutes soaking up some much needed Vitamin D!  And a funny tidbit, Kailee started to collect brown rocks which were definitely NOT rocks; it was billy goat droppings!

I love this one! 

 It's overlooking the Lakes of was gorgeous!  It almost looks like a painting!
We headed back down the hill and pulled over at this church hunting for some waterfalls that we could see from up on Ladies View.  I hopped out of the car to see if it was worth unloading the kids and yes, it was perfect!!!!
 We crossed the bridge and there was a small trail down to the water...
I don't know how many times I said, "yay, for rainboots!"

And my favorite picture from the favorite because it totally wasn't staged.  They were just checking out the water.  (And on a side-note, Leevi is holding Kailee's hand not so much out of bonding-snuggle time, but more out of she was so "brave" that we were certain she was going to fall in!!!! 
We spent close to another hour walking around exploring the water, throwing rocks, sticks, and leaves.  It was so fun and so peaceful!  It would have made a perfect lunch picnic spot!!!  Once we left, we headed into downtown Killarney and window shopped and got some yummy ice cream (they even had Guinness favor, which we passed on!)  One other hot ticket item on the Ring of Kerry is the Gap of Dunloe, which we decided to skip.  We read mixed reviews about if it was safe enough to drive yourself, walking that far with the kids was definitely out, and the Jaunting Car horse drawn carriage ride would have cost us about $200!!!  We had had such a great time at the other two stops that we felt satisfied. 

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