Monday, September 21, 2015

Lazy summer days...

To say that the summer flew by is an understatement and considering we are already over a month into school and I'm just now posting about more summer fun, shows how crazy our life crazy, good crazy, and definitely crazy crazy!!!! 
Leevi bought me a new lens for my camera and this was my test shot! :)
Kailee lost yet another tooth with drama involved...Hailey wacked it out accidentally with her elbow!!!  She has since lost another one at school and has one more loose one and then I think that's all she is supposed to lose for awhile (the top and bottom middle four)
Tough guy with a nerf gun tucked into his pants!
We had many river, creek, and fishing days!

We brought Leila with us one day and it was sooo hot that we made her go into the water every 15 minutes or so.  She was NOT happy with us and seriously pouted for quite some time, lol!

Homemade playdoh fun! 
We are so excited that the new neighbors that moved in across the street this summer have a daughter the same age as Hailey!  Woohoo!!!!  We spent the rest of our summer days with Riley! 
I told both of the girls that they could pick a recipe to make this summer and Hailey picked a cake...she made it all by herself from start to finish!  Kailee and I made zucchini bread but I didn't take a photo!
Oh Leila girl, she has definitely aged a bunch in the last few months.  We've always said that she never acted her age, but it finally caught up to her.  We can't get her to go on walks anymore (not sure if she's scared about something or her legs are aching) and as a result she's packing on the pounds.  She'll turn 12 this December and she's definitely acting like a 84yr old granny!  She's still as sweet as can be though and puts up with a lot from the kids!
Kite flying fun!

Crawfish hunting at the Roubidoux creek

 Free kid bowling all summer!!!!
I'm not sure if I ever got any pictures of our basement (when it's not a disaster!) on the blog.  We LOVE it and will definitely miss it when we move!!!  The girls' bedrooms are at the end of the basement and my office is off to right in the middle. 
The bar/family room area
We've put our old dining room table down here (basically because we had the room) for crafts and movie night dinners!
Kai's room when it surprisingly doesn't look like a tornado blew through!
We moved the Barbie house into her room
Hailey's 'new' bed...after our last summer visitors left, we started configuring the guest room into the new baby's room so our old queen bed is now Hailey's.  
More creek days with friends!

And a pool day with the Heberlings at her grandma's farm

We bought a king bed when we moved last summer since we always had company throughout the night, but this is rare now...Luke will come in every night, but Kailee usually doesn't anymore and neither does Leila.  The girls sleep together in Hailey's bed (Leila too!!!)
Kailee's friend Riley had an End-of-Summer party at her house the weekend before school started!

My sweet boy!!!!
Sigh, I'm super hoping to be caught up on the blog before the baby arrives in 5ish short weeks from now!!!!!!!!!!!  Much more to come!!!!!!!!!!!!

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