Sunday, June 20, 2010

Kailee as the Only Child

I had recently commented to Leevi that Kailee would make a good only child right now during this toddler stage. As of late she has become very opinionated when playing with Hailey and would loudly voice her disagreement. And sadly (because of the circumstances) she is back to her angelic ways with Leevi and Hailey out of town. Our days are very quiet and we are staying busy with trips to the park and we'll try to adventure into downtown Heidelberg this week. I read my first book (in years I think) this past weekend to keep me occupied at night. I feel like everything has been put on hold until we find a house (a home base per say) so I can see where to enroll Hailey in preschool and fall soccer and to look for a job for me (and then potentially daycare for Kailee) I have plenty to do (projects on the up photo files, studying for my German driving test, etc. etc.) but nothing with a real purpose....we need to find a house!

We started potty training (really just for something to do!) and Kailee has been doing great. She had been peeing/pooping on the potty randomly for the past month and now she's probably still a little young but we'll try. We call her the "potty waitress" because she's very helpful when one of us is using the bathroom: she claps when we go, she asks if we are all done, she gets toilet paper for us! :) Its very different from when I potty trained Hailey (at 23 months) gimics or rewards, no little potty or potty seat, no sticker chart. We do make a huge deal when she does go....cheering, clapping, telling people (or Leila if she's the only one around) and Kailee likes for me to throw her in the air! 9 times out of 10 she makes it to the potty, but when we are out and she's in a diaper she make no mention of when she pees. She'll get rush, just something to pass the time! :)

Going potty
Eating breakfast

Making a mess....I mean playing so nicely with her toys (and she's obsessed with that was free from t-moblie when we got our cell phones over here)
At the park (again!) :)

Picking out some new books at the library
She could pick these flowers all day
She saw a bug!

1 comment:

Rischawy Family said...

I was sitting here looking at your blog and Charlie looked over and said "Cute baby!"