Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Old and New Random Pictures

Before we turned off our American cellphones, I sent a few pics to my email...

This was from one day when we walked downstairs to get ready for a walk...I turned my back for a second and this was how we found Kailee!An early start to a Sunday morning...

The monkey showing off for her brother was able to fly in from LA for a quick weekend before we moved
And these are from the hotel this week...

Leila obviously missed her bedmate that month she was at the Buelows! They are like this every night! :) And this is why Leila gets a bath all the time!!!!

We go to this park every afternoon. Poor Kailee was still so sick in this picture (but the girls were driving me batty in the hotel room!) We went out for a bit and Kailee was so lifeless. The poor thing didn't crack a smile for 3 days!!!!!!! I think the antibiotics have finally kicked in and she has had moments of being herself...she's been so crabby and irritable, but Leevi and I know how she feels because we both have the same cold too (headache, sore throat, runny nose, cough) and Kailee got an ear infection and has had a fever on top of all that. She woke up grumpy from her nap yesterday and snapped at Hailey. Hailey said to her, "Kailee, we are sisters. We are supposed to love each other, remember?!" awwwww!
With the lack of toys in the hotel, the girls make do with what they have! :) Here Hailey is pretending to lick water out of the bowl.
Hailey tried to get Leila to go inside too, but Leila looked at her like she was out of her ever lovin mind!!! :) We probably couldn't even get her to go in there for a treat!

1 comment:

Briget said...

I love all the pics and the blogs. I've been trying to get in touch with your cell phone and now I realize why it's not working. Once you get settled get in touch. Thanks so much for the boys' gifts they love the towels! I hope you find a house soon and everything works out. Glad you're having fun, what an awesome adventure!