Thursday, September 2, 2010

i HEART my sister!

These best buds are quite inseparable...I'd have to say that 98% of the time they are amazing together. They are close enough in age where they still enjoy the same play-things and usually if there is a tiff it's most likely that Kailee is the culprit!!! Hailey knows better at 4 with some of the typical 2 year old infractions Kailee commits! :) Don't get me day is far from complete peace and quiet-there are plenty of tears, whines, complaints, etc. to go around, but usually that's because I've said "no" to some request! :) And if someone does get hurt or denied the other is right there to comfort and cute! They are a match made in Heaven!

We will keep them in this same bed until one of them objects but right now its still working out great...I had fallen asleep at the foot of their bed one night and I was witness to Hailey's motherly instinct kicking in--Kailee cried out and Hailey instantly popped up and found Kailee's wawa and snuggled her and patted her back. They didn't know I was there and it just made my heart melt.
Leila gets the boot into her own bed in our room when Leevi and I turn in for the night.

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