She's spent almost the last week in only underwear and she is pooping and peeing on the potty like a champ. We even ventured out this weekend to the commissary and to parks without a diaper! I really think I was confusing her switching back and forth. Even though she wakes up dry, she still sleeps in a diaper only because I still have some. Once I run out we will see if she is still waking up dry and we might not even go the night-time Pull-Up route. The girls take after their Daddy in not having to pee that often! I pee all day long and at least once or twice during the night.
She has some pretty funny bathroom rituals that crack me up: She has started asking for "privacy please" and will point to the door for me to leave (although I think she just likes the novelty of being alone in the bathroom and wants to play with the toliet paper!) She also does not like for me to use the flushable wipes to wipe her bum. She'll say, "I don't want the cold one" and point for me to use regular toliet paper. AND she is demanding on which side I wipe her from. She'll point to the back and say, "wipe on the other side"...maybe I block her view or something? :) And my favorite story (Hailey used to do this too) Kailee will label her poop plops (the baby, the momma, the snake, etc) Gross but sooooooo funny...and no lie (I needed a witness!) She pointed out a baby poop and asked where was the momma poop and then grunts and says, "There's the momma poop!!!!" much for being a Princess!!! :)
We are a week away from her 2nd birthday....where does the time go??!!! Hopefully the gorgeous weekend weather will come around again on Saturday!
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