Wednesday, January 7, 2015

And then there was this boy...

I stole this title from a friend who had a little boy this summer after having two girls already.  She's one of two close friends that have this unique birth order like we do and I just feel that there's something so special about it.  
I remember being so in shock for the first few weeks that there really was a boy in my belly!
The girls were equally in heaven!!!

I am just loving my time at home with him during the day.  I've started watching two preschoolers part-time so Luke is enjoying having a buddy to play with some days.  He really is such a sweet little man...definitely active and into all possible sports, but equally excited about sitting down for books, cars, or imaginative play.  His favorite toys are legos, dinosaurs/other animal figures, and superheroes.  He is the BIGGEST snuggler in the world and I secretly enjoy bedtime a lot because I get extra snuggles and kisses.
I realize that he's only in his underwear for the majority of these pictures, but that's by his choice!  It definitely makes for quicker bathroom runs!  Now that it's chillier he usually has a shirt on, but still no pants! :)
The next two pictures show the progress he's made on his 'people' drawings in a few short months.  He can also recognize his name and spell it out loud.

He amazes us with how uniformed his Lego creations are!
An architect in the making!
Books, puzzles, and a pup!

We've had these TRIO blocks since Hailey was about 2 and he loves them!  It's a small set that I looked into adding to, but they don't make them anymore (amazon has a few sets at a CRAZY price) 
He's making very deliberate sketches
Keeping himself busy while I volunteered in Kai's classroom after school. (And his legs definitely aren't that long!!!  He's still SUPER short for his age!)

We are up in the air about naps now...I'm ok with letting him skip them because he's staying up so late at night, but it's hit or miss if he can make it to a 7pm bedtime.  When he does nap, he'll give me a solid 2hr chunk of time, so that's nice too.  I'd say he's napping at least half of the week depending on what after school activities we have.

I woke up one morning to this next to me, L.O.V.E!
On this particular day, I told him it was naptime and he ran and hid from me...I finished up the dishes from lunch and this is how I found him in the basement! :)
I was organizing the guest room (FINALLY) and Luke kept himself busy by hammering screws into the back of a sign I was going to hang.  His hand-eye coordination amazes us!

Luke was going to be a Ninja turtle for Halloween when the girls were trying to be Musketeers, but we opted for pirate costumes instead.

I took Cody Heberling's 2yr old pictures for Amy out at her grandmother's farm and Luke tagged along.
We LOVE the farm!
I asked for a smile and this is what I got!
His first haircut was at the barber shop but Daddy buzzes him up now!
He's a big fan of picking out his own clothes and putting them on himself...this day he got his shirt on backwards and both legs into one pants hole! :)
Showing off his new boots (and backwards undies because of course you have to be able to see the picture that is always on the back!)
Kai was my big random-sleeper, but Luke surprised me one day by staying asleep during my entire commissary shopping...what a TREAT!!!!
We woke up to a dusting one morning and he just had to get outside!!!
Luke and his BFF, Cody
And some fun videos!

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