Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Kailee's Obsession

I've mentioned in previous posts about Kailee's obsession with one specific baby and am finally getting around to writing about it. This one particular baby (and we have hundreds it seems) was given to Hailey by Leevi when they were out shopping for my 30th birthday presents. Leevi is a sucker when it comes to Hailey asking for a baby! :) So, for some unknown reason, this specific baby is a hot ticket item in the MacDonald household. Hailey has recently realized the true obsesssion that Kailee has with this baby and won't fight with her as often for it. I've been looking everywhere for the same baby to buy for Kailee for Christmas, but I can't find it. I went ahead and bought the two of them matching twins babies...we'll see if Kailee forms a bond or if this new baby won't get a second look. :)

She hugs it, kisses it, feeds it, pushes it in the stroller and even steals my dish towel from the kitchen and wants me to wrap it up like it were a blankie. She even took a pair of hawaiian slipper ornaments off the tree and tried to put it on the baby's feet. It's also a great diversion...if I'm trying to do something and Kailee wants to be held I'll say, "Kai, where is your baby?!" She'll toddle off to find it. And when she comes back I'll say, "Is your baby hungry?!" And she'll wander off to find food in the play kitchen. :)

p.s. I should add that the bandaids on Kailee's legs in the pictures are from her 15 month well baby check up. She's in the 50% percentile for weight and the 80% percentile for height. We were traveling during Hailey's 15th month, so she had her check up at 16 months and was 6 oz heavier and a half an inch shorter. I don't think Hailey was ever above the 50% percentile for height, so we'll have to see if Kailee ever catches Hailey.

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