Friday, December 11, 2009

Leevi's Homecoming!!!!!

We are so excited to have Leevi home!!!!!!!!!! The actual ceremony was so short (and sweet)...they marched in, said a prayer, sang the National Anthem, sang the Army Song, and then we all ran!!!! Hailey got to Leevi first! It went so fast I didn't have any time to get all choked up. We are home and happy and ready for the holidays!!!

Hailey made this "Christmas Valentine" (as she calls it) all by herself for Leevi. I was quite impressed that she drew the heart and cut it out all alone.
House decor. Bummed that I forgot to take a picture of the inside
Our poster is the multicolored "welcome home daddy" near the middle left.
Kailee patiently waiting
Hailey was so excited!!!
Rylee and Hailey dancing
Passing the time
Getting the leis ready
Jim and Leevi are on the right front corner
Glad they were in the front and easy to find because the ceremony was so short!

A picture by our sign
Tiffany and my divorce was finalized at 6:20pm when the guys marched in. It was a wonderful year of marriage and we couldn't have survived without each other.

Leila missed her daddy!!!
Really missed him....crazy pup!
Hailey hasn't been too far from his side! And I feel bad that I don't have any pics of Leevi with Kailee yet. She was a little unsure at the ceremony (it was pretty loud and chaotic), but she warmed right up to him at home. She just knows!

1 comment:

amy said...

Welcome home! Great pictures! Love the decorations!