Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hailey Girl

I've had this post about Hailey started for awhile now but have just been lazy.  Leevi is traveling again so I envisioned all of this free time in the evenings after the girls go down but we've been busy with friends and I've been really slack with the girls bedtime this summer.  The sun doesn't set here in the summers until almost 10 so bedtime really sneaks up on us!

Hailey girl is super excited about starting kindergarten this Fall.  We are very curious to find out the classroom assignments...numbers are dropping rapidly with the scheduled closure of this post so as of now there will be two kindergartens but I'll be really surprised if it stays that way.  We are hoping there will be just enough kids for two SMALL kindergartens and not one BIG one but that would mean she and her buddies might be split up.  The school year starts on the 29th of August but the kindergartners start a week late after Labor Day and that "free" week for teachers is spent doing home visits to the Kindergartners' families (I'm impressed!!!)  We have already gotten her school supplies (I'm not sure who was more excited!)  :) 

We had a lot of fun watching the Women's World Cup together and I think since we met many of the players she was even more intrigued.  (On a side note, Kai's favorite "player" is Coach Pia...most likely because she was very easy to recognize.  Hailey's favorite is Hope Solo and Tobin Heath...she liked Tobin's picture)   Come Finals, Leevi was traveling so I let the girls stay up to watch the game with me (almost 9pm kick off here) and Hailey kept saying over and over how nervous she was!   So cute.  She made it until almost the end of the game and I carried her up to bed before the start of the overtime.  She woke up only to mumble, "is it over?" Thankfully she didn't ask who won because I'm sure I would have said "the US".  I still can't believe they lost and I was really surprised at how sad I felt.  Great for Japan (Ya-pan according to the German announcers) and their country but WOW, how did we blow it??!!!   My favorite tidbit from Hailey during the tournament was when our defender got red carded in the game against Brazil and had to be sent off the field and into the locker room.  I explained to Hailey what happened and why she had to leave the game and a few minutes later she asked me how long the girl had to stay in the "lock up" room!  :) 

Her latest rite of passage in girlhood has been learning how to braid!!!!!!!!!  She got a Barbie head for her birthday and has mastered the braid on that...of course she had now moved on to Barbies, My Little Ponies, and ME! 

She is still more stubborn opinionated than ever about her clothing!  I supposed I could care less during the summer but we'll see how many battles I pick once school starts.  At least she has drastically curbed my clothes shopping for the girls!  :)

With her best bud, Talia
Journal writing/drawing

They don't leave Daddy's side when he returns from his business trips

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