Monday, July 25, 2011

Tidbits and Photos

Kai's recent tidbits...
When Hailey was getting upset and worked up about something Kai told me, "Hailey needs to do this" (as she was taking deep breaths) :)

Hailey asked us who was shooting off the fireworks on the 4th of July and Kailee told her it was God. 

Kai loves to put barrettes/clippies in my hair and then will say, "now you look like a girl!"  Thanks!

I do most of my shopping here online (the PX is limited and most things on the Economy are too expensive with the high Euro exchange rate, not to mention peace at my computer vs trying to drag two little ones out) so the girls are acustom to Daddy bringing home lots of packages.  We were playing in a dr waiting room one day and Kailee told me that she "wanted to get one of these toys in the mail"

Hailey's tidbits....
We have recently gotten a fish tank (more about that in a future post!) and it is all Leevi's and the girls' project.  The water needed to be changed but it was getting pretty late to take on such a task so when Hailey asked me if they could change the water I told her to ask Daddy and her response was, "Dad's in charge of the fish...but you're in charge of bedtime"  Smart girl! :) 

Hailey has recently reverted to getting upset before bedtime and wanting me to snuggle her until she falls asleep (it probably has a lot to do with me being so lax on their bed-time this mom, although Hailey has always been the "needy" one as opposed to Kailee...playing, sleeping, being scared...that could be a whole other post but it would definitely peg one child as much "easier" than the other :)  )  So I'm staying firm and not caving even with as crazy as some of our nights get and I've been telling Hailey that I need some alone time and her reply once was, "Sometimes Daddy watches us when you go to the commissary and that gives you alone time."  Quite true....sad that we start to cherish those moments to grocery shop in peace!

The other thing I've been a "bad" mom about this summer is letting Hailey have an occasional soda (Fanta or Sprite) We are big water pushers here!  Hailey told me one time that when she drinks her orange drink "steam come out of her nose"

We always pass many vineyards on our excursions around Germany.  One day I was explaining to Hailey about how they used to stomp on grapes with their feet to make wine and she thought it was the most disgusting thing in the world and vowed to never drink wine!  :) 

Speaking of wine....these aren't grapes though,  They are the cherries in our backyard!  They have all practically fallen from the tree now (what a mess...and it brought flies and bees!!!) but for awhile the girls were making cherry juice  and somehow they convince me to let them rub a cherry on really did look like blood!

Ipod....getting ready for a road trip

We stopped to see a chainsaw carving contest...pretty amazing

Dress up!

Leevi's parents celebrated their 29th anniversary here!

We haven't had a chance to do much swimming here because it's been too chilly!

It doesn't stay warm enough for consecutive days to warm the water!

Bedtime stories with Grandma

Buffalo Park

Grandpa and Grandma
Hailey was grumpy because she wanted to take a picture by herself and Kai was grumpy because Hailey hurt her feelings! 

Can you feel the love?

A little bribery!

Triberg Wasserfall

Hailey, Piper, Kailee, Farrah

Kailee's Summer Pedicure

Kai decided she needed a nap one day and brought me a blanket and asked me to rock her

Princess Hailey battling left handed with her wrong hand on top but hitting quite efficiently

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