Monday, July 18, 2011

Kai Kai My

I'm trying to catch up on blog posts before we go back to the States and then I get really behind!  I haven't done a recent post about the girls individually so here are some updates about Kai.  I am loving her as a two year old!  As we creep closer and closer to THREE she is becoming more and more strong-willed...testing limits, protesting bedtime, getting picky about clothes (ughhh....I've definitely given up the fight with both girls in that department.  It's not worth the stress I cause myself!  At least they both still like dresses!)   Kai says that she's TWO turning FIVE (like Hailey).  She still cracks all of us up with her accent (all O sounds are more like AW drawn out, so "top" sounds like "tawp") and according to Kailee "big girls don't wear underwear".  :)  She is quite the liar story-teller when it comes to confessing to something she did wrong.  Her alibi gets very detailed about a mouse being the culprit.  Two of my favorite phrases that she gets twisted up are "one quick" for "real quick" and "inever" for "forever" which sounds like "ineber". 

I remember THREE being difficult with Hailey so we are savoring these last two months with our adorable TWO year old before her tantrums aren't so cute anymore because she'll know better!  ;)  

Singing the song from Sleeping Beauty...sorry it's so dark!

I LOVE this "scooter leg"

The girls take lots of sink baths when they come in from outback...usually it's just their hands and feet though!

Her recent FAVORITE dress up outfit (two skirts and of course the Pinkalicious crown)

Playing Handy Manny...she LOVES to tinker!

Accessory Queen!


Just me said...

I just treasure all these pics and videos. It is so fun to have this computer stuff

Susie B. Homemaker said...

Hi, I found your blog when I googled for 'Pinkalicious crown' images- do you remember where you got yours? My 3 yr. old daughter had one like that but we can't find it, and now I'm trying to figure out where to get her one again. Your daughter's a cutie by the way... Happy New Year! :)