Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Luke at 15 months

Luke had his 15 month well baby check up last week.  He's 22.5lbs and while I didn't get his exact height, he's in the 20% percentile (up a bit from only the 13% at his birthday).  His vocabulary is Momma, Dadda, ball, uh-oh, up, tata (thank you) and he barks. :)  The sounds are definitely coming and sometimes, as clear as day, it sounds as if he says something new, but he won't repeat it.  And, man, is he observant!!!!  He constantly surprises us by putting things where they belong and he follows commands pretty well, "go get the_____"

Playing with Big Sis
His shirt says, "2:30am Party in my Crib"...When we thought we were heading home to VA for the summer (there became ZERO chance of us getting out on a Space A flight!!!), I was holding off on his transition from formula to milk because it is so much easier to travel with AND then I held off until after camping AND then I ran out of excuses!!!!  I talked with his doctor and she said, it wasn't that big a deal that he still drank it out of a bottle instead of a sippy cup, but just to make sure his nighttime feedings were cut out because of milk on the teeth.  We have him on the 9-24 month Target formula just because he's so small I wanted to make sure he was getting enough calories/nutrients (he's a decent food eater, but not amazing!)  He's not interested in any type of milk although potentially, if I put it in a bottle he might take it, but I'm definitely not going down that road!!!!!  He still wakes up once during the night, but will go back to sleep (usually!) pretty quickly, but Leevi or I still have to go in there.  You'd think by the 3rd kid we wouldn't drag this out, or maybe the thinking is that we don't want our baby to grow up!!! :)  He LOVES water and will drink that out of a sippy cup, so he's just being a pain particular!

He has the best big sisters ever!!!
He can seriously be the Tazmanian Devil!!!  He can't open the fridge, but I will let him play there sometimes because it keeps him off my leg occupied for a minute or two.  AND he loves to take his diaper off and throw it in the trash. 
Cool dude!
Exploring with Hailey
Kai was so excited when he was old enough to ride in the rocket ship shopping cart!

Kai tried to block him off from where she was playing, but he still found a way to get it!  We called it his mouse hole!!! :)
 Green smoothie mustaches!
 Hangin with the big kids!
He always wants to be outside!!!!!
Vacuuming is practically the only chore I know I can get done while he is awake (although it takes a little longer because he wants to help!)
She's so crazy!!!
He's definitely a FAN of the water!!!!!  He put that mask on. :)
Kai built him is own tent!

It's so cute when he intentionally gets down on his belly
He insists on eating with a spoon and a fork and is quite productive.
Ugh, always so dirty!!!!  ;) 
And some fun videos...
Playing baseball
Playing soccer
Vacuuming and laughing 

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