Sunday, July 21, 2013

Pool Fun!

It's tough to swim all summer in Germany because it doesn't stay warm for enough consecutive days for the pool water to get a chance to warm up, so when we see a heat wave in the forecast for at least 3 days of 85+, we set up the basin pool.  This time, we set it up on a Sunday and by Tuesday the water was bareable and then we took it down after swimming on Wednesday because Thursday called for rain and low 70's. And then we were back in light sweaters the following week!     
We invited the Green boys over each afternoon and even planned a water balloon party.

Water balloon baseball and target practice (you have to look closely for the bullseye on the right)
I spent a good few hours in the morning filling up over 100 large and small water balloons...we divided them up equally and set a few basic rules and they had a blast.  Jenny and I were really surprised at how long they lasted. 

And my favorite...Luke and Hailey
Once our first heat wave hit, I looked at the BX for a kiddie pool for Luke, but they were all sold out OR they cost about $25 (no way!!), so I ordered one on amazon for $10 and it arrived by our next mild heat wave (low 80's) and in the meantime, Leevi found this pool in a tuft box in the attic (I guess it was one that we had for baby Hailey)'s perfect!
 He filled it will all of his balls
And it's a good thing that we found that little one because this was the kiddie pool that I ordered on was way taller than I thought it would be, but it's fun! 
We use this one when the weather is hit or miss because it's quick and easy to set up and take down, but the water usually stays pretty chilly!!!
I told the girls to get themselves ready to swim while I put Luke down for a nap and this is what I returned to...LOL!  Her imagination is unmatched!  She's a sunscreen white tiger!  :)
 And a random day near the end of the school was hot, but not hot enough for a pool!
And the videos....

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