Monday, March 3, 2014

EIGHT is Great!!!

It's so cliche to say how time flies, but man, it does!  How is she already EIGHT??!!!  It's crazy to see how her personality as a baby/toddler is still very apparent in her 8th year...she's shy, smart, has an amazing memory, and needs someone to cuddle with at night (either Kailee or Leila!)  She's beyond helpful with Luke and will definitely make the best babysitter in a few more years!  She is major piece of our puzzle for our bedtime routine and gives Luke a bath and gets him ready for bed (diaper, pjs, and book!) while Leevi cleans the kitchen and I tidy up the rest of the house and prep for the next day.  It's her own special alone time with Luke since she's away from him during the school day...too cute and oh so appreciated!!!!  She's the perfect student at school and I'm so grateful that she loves to learn and read and I doubt I'll ever have to worry about her acting up in class (she saves that mess for me!) :)  We are so proud of the young lady she is becoming and are looking forward to what the next eight years brings (driving, boys, high school!!!  Yikes, nevermind!!!!!!!!  We are definitely relishing every moment while she's young!!!)  :) 

She has unofficially changed her middle name to Emma! :) 
The t-shirt I made her to wear to school on her birthday...
The Green boys came down early on their way to school for a traditional cinnamon bun breakfast!  (And yes, Luke totally blew out her candle!!!)

Kai, Luke and I brought cupcakes up to the school at snack time!

She requested a heart birthday cake on her actual birthday...we celebrated with just our family (and didn't eat cake until after Luke went to bed!) :)
We got her a loom bracelet kit for her birthday!!!  Apparently they are all the rage in the States, but we are a little behind the times here in Germany!  She picked up on it quickly and I already need to order more rubber bands!
I definitely needed a glass of wine during the initial tutorial!!! :)

Happy birthday, baby girl!!!!!!  We love you!!!  Eight is GREAT!!!!!

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