Friday, March 6, 2015

March Snow (ugh!!)

Last weekend we had our last basketball games (yay!) and then we were supposed to go to a friend's house who was having an Essential Oils party that afternoon. Her daughter, Caitlyn, is on Hailey's team and we know her family from church and MOPS.  The plan was to have Cait come to our house for a few hours before the party, BUT we got WAY more snow than was forecasted and we got snowed in!!  The roads got really bad, really fast so we had an impromptu sleepover!!  The girls were ecstatic!! 
Hailey introduced Caitlyn to snow cream!
 We rented The Boxtrolls!
 And had to finish it the next morning!
Church was cancelled on Sunday, so we rounded up enough snow gear for Caitlyn and we all headed outside!
 I'm amazed at how tolerant he is of being out in the cold for so long!
We built snow forts/castles and had a snowball fight!
Caitlyn loved the hill!

Attack!!!!  The view from mine and Kailee's fort!
 Hailey and Leevi worked hard on their fort!!!
 We said it looked like a German castle ruins!
 Leevi said that mine was so perfect, it looked fake!  Aww, I just had a better bucket! :)
It was a fun day and thankfully we didn't miss another day of school (that would get tacked on to the end of the year!!!) I really don't mind the snow and cold weather AS LONG as it warms up in March when it's supposed to!!!!!

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