Thursday, March 24, 2016

Whitney Emma, 4 months!

Eekkk, I'm behind again and need to get this posted before Whitney turns 5 months in a few days!!!!  This sweet sweet girl is still rockin the status as the easiest MacDonald baby!!!  She is adored by ALL and makes us swoon!!!!  I'm in total survival mode with Leevi being gone at the school in Va and she really does her part in making my job as a single mom of FOUR a little more manageable!!! 

She is getting super fun and interacts with the kids and gives them the biggest smiles (while she pulls their hair or ears!!!!)  She's able to go in the exersaucer now and loves it for about 10 minutes, ha!  She found her piggy toes this month which is one of my favorite baby stages!!!  She is still sleeping great at night and has dropped her 10pm feeding and goes down now about 8pm and will sleep until 3-4, nurse quickly and goes back down until 7-8.  She's still swaddled in the rocker in my room and I'll milk that out as long as I can.  With the move approaching in the next few months, I'm sure she'll get all messed up! 

She's 13lbs, 14oz and 24 inches long....waaaayyyyy lighter than her chubby wubby siblings at this age (the girls were 16 and 17lbs and Luke was 18lbs!!!!!)
 A fun little piggy toe photoshoot!!!!!!!!

Crazy toes!!
Sweet little smile!!!

Her cheeks and thighs are chunking out, but she still has these skinny little arms!

Talking after her nap!

Helping me make dinner!
The love he has for her makes my heart burst!

So patient being drug around to her siblings activities!!!

Getting close to sitting unsupported!
She used to get frustrated when she couldn't get her mouth on this!!

Sweet brother wanted in on the pictures!

And so did the other crazies!!!!!
Whitney is like, "Seriously, mom, do I have to claim them???!!!"
Best we could do!

We love you sweet girl!

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