Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Same Same

While I was looking through old pics on my computer a few months ago for Hailey's 5th birthday I came across many look-alikes of the girls. While Hailey looks like Leevi and Kailee looks more like me it's hard to wonder how they still manage to look so much like each other. Kailee is now the age that Hailey was when Kai was born....crazy because Kailee seems like she's been around forever! It's sad to see her wearing the "big size" of the matching dresses I bought the girls when Kailee was born! I think Kailee is taller than Hailey was at this age because the dresses seem much shorter on her but she definitely doesn't have as much as Hailey did at 2 1/2...I still don't really have to do anything with Kailee's hair except spray it with a little water.

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