Wednesday, February 13, 2013

10 months old!!!!!

Man, are we ever creeping so close to that big O-N-E!!!!  Trying to savor every millisecond of the last few months of Luke being "zero" (according to the girls)

A little photo shoot after naptime!  This adorable outfit is a cousin hand-me-down from Aunt Naomi and Uncle James!

Luke decided to turn into a little monkey this month!!!!  But monkeys are nothing new in this house, so I'm prepared this time around...totally baby-proofing day to day!  Leevi doesn't need to ask what I did all day or how my day went because I send him texts everyday of the monster baby!  :)  The purple chair picture totally caught me off guard...Hailey and I were working on homework and I look over to see him standing in the chair!  And the bottom middle picture in the green stripes is the little stinker look he gives me when he knows he's up to no good!  :) 

The girls were babies in the same house, but Kai proved that what was baby-proof for Hailey meant a whole new ball game for Kai! 
He used to be so helpful when I did these chores during the day! 

He's standing all of the time now and has started to take steps away from whatever he is hold on to more often now. 
It so amazing watching him discover "life"...he's still obsessed with balls and has now started putting a ball into a cup, shake the cup, chase the ball, and REPEAT! 

Lots of big sister time!
He's finally becoming a better eater!  He hasn't been a big fan of baby food and is not even the greatest nurser.  He's already to the point where he doesn't have time for food, but recently he's showing more of an appetite!  You can see that that second bottom tooth finally popped through.  Nothing more yet!

"Cheese" face!!!

He had another ear infection this month....poor guy!  I can always tell...(he laid here relaxing while I was doing laundry)  Our dr said that even though he's had quite a few (3 maybe 4) the meds are working so there is no need to persue anything else right now (ie. tubes!!!)  We'll just watch as his speech develops to make sure there isn't a hearing issue from excess fluid.  All of his sounds so far are pretty typically, so hopefully there won't be any issues. 
He just L-O-V-E-S bathtime!!!!  I just love when he stands on his tippy-toes to peer into the tub!  He does that when the girls take their bath too!  And his curls really come in when his hair is wet!
And a random picture...something came in the mail wrapped in a ton of bubble wrap, so I let the kids go to town popping it...they created their own runway down the hall.  I would have kept it around for a bit longer but poor Leila was having a heart attack! 
And my favorite pic this month!!!! (Curtesy of Photographer Hailey)
And a few videos...

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