Sunday, August 25, 2013

Buffalo Park 2013

One of our last summer hoorahs was a trip back to Mannheim to Buffalo Park.  We also drove by our old post, Benjamin Franklin Village, (we couldn't get close enough to see our house) and it was just so sad...over grown and pitiful!  So many memories during those 2 years!!!  We invited the Greens and Millers to come along and all 8 kids and 5 adults had a blast!!!!!
Feeding the deer and buffalo...Luke opted for eating the carrot instead of sharing with the animals! :)
 The stinky pigs...
 We walked through the bird sanctuary, had a picnic lunch, and played at the playground.
 The monkeys!  It's hard to tell but Luke's feet are about an inch off the ground! :)
 The zipline is ALWAYS a big hit!!!!  Even the adults got in on the action!!!
We left the playground and hiked through the forest to the Foot Bath.  I should have taken a picture of the sign with what the German's call it, but it's an ICE COLD knee deep pool that you are supposed to march your legs slowly around to increase circulation...a form of hydrotherapy.  (I tried to do a google search and Sebastian Kneipp, a Bavarian priest, discovered the benefits of water therapy over 125 years ago...the sign definitely said Kneipp-something.)  You take a lap in the pool and then take a lap on the outside and repeat.  It really does feel great, but it was pretty crowded and I felt we came barging in like loud, obnoxious Americans!!!  Quite a few of our kids were totally soaked and it wasn't exactly peaceful!  LOL!  There was also an ice cold hand bath!
It was a great day trip and we are so sad to see summer come to an end!  Hailey starts 2nd grade tomorrow and I was truly as bummed as she was for summer to be over!  I'm not ready for the grind of the school year!!!!

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