Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Luke at 18 months!

We can't believe that Luke is already 1 1/2 when I feel like we were just celebrating his first birthday...although the squishy newborn days seem like forever ago!!!!!!  Luke's well baby check up went great and he is meeting all of his milestones, but he's still pretty tiny for his age.  He's 22 lbs and is only in the 14 percentile for height!  He's still a quite demanding baby compared to the girls, but I'm thankful I have so much help from them.  I totally blame his teeth for his fussiness as they are soooooooo slow to come in and still are coming in one at a time verses in a set.  I think he's working on some eye teeth now and the last of the first 4 molars.  The terrible two tantrums have already started when he can't have what he wants (usually the iPad or something the girls have) and I pray that his strong will serves him well later in adulthood!  Lol!  He takes up as much of my time now as he did as a newborn, but I'm treasuring every precious moment I get to spend with him because it's an understatement to say how fast time flies! 
The sweet little man at birth, 6 months, 12 months, and 18 months.
Some silly extras ones...
He got tired of my photo shoot and moved on to Mr. Potato Head
He loves, loves, loves to play Little People.  The little boy in the bottom right picture frustrates him because the soccer ball won't come off! :)
Connect Four with Kailee
Silly boy...
I love when he gets down on his belly...
He loves to build and stack things and you'll notice in the bottom right picture that he'll usually create something after he finishes a meal.

He's not the best eater in the world but does a little better when he's not confined to his highchair (boo...bad habit!)  He also doesn't drink his milk from a sippy cup!  Ugh, that was one of the reasons I kept him on a formula bottle for so long.  Weaning him had nothing to do with being the baby of the family but everything to do with simplifying our life!  Lol!!!!  Constantly on the go and busy, busy days made keeping that bottle around so much easier!  He was taking one or two throughout the day and did well at going to bed without one, but it was the 5am bottle that guaranteed a few more hours of sleep that don't necessarily happen now!  Boo!  For about 2 weeks he was up for the day at 5:30am, but has now pushed it to closer to 6:30-7:00.  If he's up before 6:30, he's grumpy and won't let me get on with my morning routine which makes it tough to get Hailey off to school.  His doctor says that I shouldn't worry too much about his milk intake because he drinks a ton of water and loves yogurt, cheese and spinach smoothies.   
 He loves bath time...not too many toys, just usually a cup to fill with water keeps him happy! 
He cracks himself up...
I'm not posting this picture on here to embarrass myself at my mess of an office, but to show what a little booger his is!  You'll notice the chair is up on the cabinet on the right because he'll climb on that and onto the kitchen counters!  We now just turn that office chair up on it's side on the desk to deter him.  We are child-proofing day by day!!!
Kailee had cleaned up her tea set and stacked everything neatly in the middle of the table and Luke came in and made himself a tea party! 
And some fun videos...
It cracks me up that he can punt a ball!  He better make us rich one day! LOL! 
Random fun...
 At Kailee's soccer practice on a ridiculously gorgeous fall day!

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