Friday, August 22, 2008

Can't believe I'm sharing this...

This blog might be a little too personal for some, but it's a cute story, so I figured what the heck. Hailey turned 2 1/2 this week and most of you with 2 year olds or who have raised a two year old know how independent they like to be! Hailey has been potty-trained since right around her 2nd birthday and finally started pooping on the potty too. That's all wonderful (it'll be great buying only one set of diapers!!!), but the problem comes when you hear the infamous words of a two year old "I'm a big girl. I can do it myself!" Up until a few weeks ago she was very content with allowing me to help her "clean up" when using the bathroom. Now, it's a different story and she wants to complete the entire process (yes, it is a process) on her own. The "personal" part of this blog gets embarrassing when I have to describe how we are teaching Hailey to wipe. Those of you women or those of you with little girls know that you have to wipe 'front to back' put prevent "issues" (Enough said!) Well, we've been telling Ms. Independent to "wipe down, wipe down"...I'm a broken record in the bathroom! Well, at a lunch date with a friend and her kids yesterday Hailey is cleaning up herself (again Ms. Independent) and as she is cleaning her face she is saying, "Wipe Down! Wipe Down!" :) At least I know she is listening!!! :)

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