Monday, August 18, 2008

My Handyman Hubby!

I always blog about Hailey, but Leevi should definitely get some attention for the amazing work he did out back this weekend. In Hawaii, homes are ridiculously overpriced with your neighbors on top of you and a barely there backyard. Over the past two years that we've owned our house, we poured money into the upkeep of our tiny yard...originally with sod, then seed and sprinkler systems, etc. The dog's pee keeps killing the grass...Leevi will replant or fertilize the dead spots and while that is regrowing, Leila will pee in new spots! Anyway, long story short, we decided to put a deck in and leave her a small strip in the back to do her business. Leevi built decks in the summers throughout high school and college, so he was pretty excited to try his hand at the craft again. The size of our backyard doesn't allow for a "Home and Garden" style deck, but the simplicity is perfect. I couldn't believe how fast he was able to get everything finished. I did my best to contribute here and there with my big belly and the chore of keeping an interested 2 year old out of the way. Hailey and I did have the job of putting the thousand screws into the holes that Leevi drilled. Hailey really was quite helpful until I noticed that when she ran out of screws instead of getting more out of the box she was taking the ones I had already put in and moving them to her empty holes! :) I tried to take a few before, during, and final result pictures throughout the weekend. We got the hot tub filled up again and Hailey and Leevi went "swimming" when it was still pretty cold! We are going to keep the temp. mild, so I can use it too...maybe it'll even help me through the labor! :)

The grass leveled and the foundation started...

Curious, very curious...

Helping sweep up the mess...way past bedtime!

Helping putting the screws in...if you look closely you can see them in the many rows in front of Hailey's feet (same color as the wood). It started sprinkling, so she HAD to get her Nemo raincoat!

Relaxing in the cold hot tub!

Marshmellow treat after a hard day's work!

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