Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Trying to pass the time...

Still not much to update on...We've decided we want to live in Mannheim at Benjamin Franklin Barracks in the duplex housing area, but are having to jump through hoops to do so! Leevi had to go around and get signatures for an Exception to Policy for permission to live there and now that paperwork has to go to each Garrison Commander for approval on the post we want to live and the post where Leevi works! On top of all of that, we are getting pressure from the housing office here to get out of lodging and find a place to live. We set up an appt to view 3 off-post houses on Thursday to act as if we are pursuing other living arrangements but we think we will be most comfortable on post until we get to know the area. And it looks like Leevi's new job will have him travelling 100 days out of the year, so I think the girls and I will like the little community of Grant Circle in the duplexes. We drove up there today hoping to get a peak inside to no avail, but we drove around and walked around the outside and the girls tested out the parks! The gov't must have come into some "use it or lose it" money and built 100 parks here! It is ridiculous....you can play at one park and the next closest park is within eyesight. So, that is how we've been passing the time! Park, after park, after park...and the library (although we can't stay long because Kailee screams when I don't let her pull book after book off the shelves!) :) We just get about 5 new books and get out! :)

We are perfectly comfortable in lodging where we are except for not having a full kitchen. Even once we do move, we won't have our own household goods until mid-July, so it's not like I'll be able to set up the house! :( We will get loaner everything from the military (furniture, linens, kitchen supplies, etc. etc.) but at least we'll get a feel for the house and hopefully get the girls in better sleeping routines...they are finally sleeping through the night again and even sleeping in until after 8am, but Hailey is in bed with Leevi and Kailee is in bed with me! Ughh!!

We were hoping to get out and see some of Germany this past weekend (since we are all finally getting over the cold that wiped us out!) but we got the unfortunate news on Friday that Leevi's grandfather passed away unexpectedly from a heart attack. We were pretty mopey all weekend and didn't feel like being too adventurous. Leevi flies to Washington on Friday for the next week.

So, the girls and I are guessing we will stay put where we are and venture from park to park.... :)

I was wondering if this happy little face was ever coming back...I was worried that she had gone straight from being sick into the terrible twos!!!! (And all four eye teeth are coming in!)Snot, drool, and blowing a dandelion don't mix!!!
The park with the Zipline
Leila on guard!
A video of the parks...
And some random pictures of Hailey sleeping....
She had fallen asleep while watching t.v. I wonder what she was dreaming about...
Hailey and Leila are under there somewhere...

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