Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Potty Training Week

Kailee has been peeing/pooping on the potty sporadically for quite sometime, but I finally decided we should crack down with actual hard core potty-training. I have one more sleeve of diapers and it'd be nice if I never had to buy them again!!!!!! I swear by the naked potty-training for girls (it makes them think before they pee because they don't feel the comfort of a diaper or even a pullup or underwear. It would like asking an adult to pee their pants on the would take some concentration. But for a boy, it just seems in their nature to be able to go anywhere!) We are on day three and Kailee has underwear on now...she got to the point yesterday where she would grab herself if she had to go. She was in a diaper for about 2 hrs when we were out, but she didn't go and went when we got back. And she woke up dry this morning and peed on the potty. Pooping on the potty was an issue for Hailey when we trained her but Kai doesn't seem to mind. We didn't use any "fluff" this time with stickers, M&M's or even a potty seat. We do make a huge scene when she goes though and sing a pee song! :) She's very proud of herself! Hopefully I can stay with it and she'll be in big girl underwear before we know it!

The streaker! But she's always accessorized!

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