Sunday, March 13, 2011

Church Humor

The girls each had a funny thought at church today so I thought I'd share. We love our church because it's on post and it doesn't start until 10:45am (I don't like having to move too quickly on a Sunday morning!). There are 3 kids from Hailey's Preschool class that she goes to Sunday school with so she likes that too. Kailee could go to Sunday school with Hailey (and she know all of Hailey's friends because we see them practically everyday) but she likes to stay with Leevi and me. She does great and colors or plays with a pony or Polly Pocket and quietly keeps herself entertained. I've heard her playing with her babies at home and making them say "I don't want to go to church. I don't want to go downstairs" (where the sunday school is). She always says, "I want to stay with Anna's Mommy and color a chicken" hahaha...I find it funny that she doesn't want to stay with me but with Anna's Mommy who we share a pew with. :) And I had know idea why she was talking about a chicken but once we got to church I realized that she remembered one of the coloring pages they have for the children as we walk in (a mother hen sitting in a nest with eggs)

So today at church we sang some songs and then the children were dismissed and Kailee was playing at our feet as the Chaplain was preaching and two different times she popped up and said, "Is he talking to me?!" :)

And later at home after church Hailey asked me to sing that song for her about "Braces" from took me a second of her singing to recall that she was thinking of "Your grace is enough" grace is, not braces!

And since I don't like to have a post without pictures here are some of the best big sister in the world!

She had about 6 clips on her ears (earrings according to Hailey) but she shook them off when I went to get the camera!

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