Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Manners Police

Two year olds crack me up! I just love this age because anything they say is so stinkin cute. Here are some recent tidbits of Kailee's silliness....

Getting ready to run some errands...

Me: "Kai, you need to go potty"
Kai: "No"
Me: "Excuse me??!!!"
Kai: "No thank you?"

When the girls use the bathroom and need some privacy they typically ask for "Privacy Please" but one day Kailee forgot her manners...

Kai: "Get out of here"
Me: "Excuse me??!!!"
Kai: "Get out of here, please?"

And a random picture....she came to me one afternoon and asked me to snuggle her so she could take a nap! Too easy!!! :)

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