Saturday, November 5, 2011

Halloween at the Preschool

Kailee had a fun filled week leading up to Halloween.  Her class is so small (8 kids total) and they are able to do a lot more hands on things that most larger classes of 3/4 yr olds wouldn't be able to manage.  Most days there are only 5 or 6 because it seems that someone is always traveling or sick.  We love Ms. Kitty and all that she is doing with our little ones!  We had a community wide Fall Fest on Friday and then Trick or Treated on Saturday (more posts to come on that!) so the week prior to all of that fun the preschool kids got to carve pumpkins, bake pumpkin pie, and paint pumpkins!  
One of her latest poses!  Seriously....why can't she just stand there and please her Momma!  :) 

Around the class

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