Monday, June 18, 2012

Luke's Birth Announcement

And this would be Luke's "German" birth announcent....his birthdate "backwards",  24 hr clock for time of birth, weight in grams and length in cm.  You should have seen Leevi and I in the hospital with our iPhones trying to convert his weight and height! 

I've also added in here some photos from his first photoshoots....he was NOT cooperative!!!!!  Leevi took the girls to a park for the day and I had the nice, quiet house all to myself, but he wasn't having it!!!!  It took me forever to set up a tiny "studio" with all of the tips that I had researched online and I never had a chance to create it again.  A few days later, he zonked to the world while the girls were being louder than ever playing Barbies, and I was able to snap a few more....guess he just needed the noise he was used to! 

1 comment:

Sara Maida said...

Love all of them!!!! Especially the Big Sis/Lil Bro ones!!!