Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Luke's first bath

In attempt to get caught up, be prepared for a lot of old posts!  Since the German hospitals don't bathe the babies after they are born, this was Luke's first official washing.  And OF COURSE, the girls had to help!  Even though he looks pretty grumpy in the pictures, he didn't mind it.  Right after we got him dried off, he peed and pooped in his towel hence the change to the pink towel!  :)  At two months now he is getting bathed every other day in a baby tub and he loves warm and relaxing!  It's one of the things that will calm him down when he's over-tired and worked up! 

And speaking of poop and pee, I resisted the urge to put this on Facebook, but it has to make the blog!  We knew little boys like to pee when their diaper is off, but I didn't get the memo about PROJECTILE POOP!!!!!  Part of Luke's fussiness his first few weeks we think had to do with a bad diaper rash from his constant and irregular pooping....basically wet farts.  I felt silly calling for a doctor appt for a diaper rash with my THIRD child, but our pediatrician is AMAZING and I knew she'd have some answers and meds for me (We all are really going to miss Dr. McDonald!)  She whipped up a concoction of bacitracin and hydrocortizone and it did the trick (along with his bowels gaining more control as he grew)  So, long story short, I was letting Luke air out a bit one day when I changed his diaper and apparently my timing was horrible!  He pooped and it shot (no lie!) over TWO FEET from the table to a cabinet behind me (my hip was also partially in the line of fire!!!)  Thankfully, newborn poop doesn't really stink and it's not at all like cleaning up regular poop!  I HAD to send a picture text to Leevi to show him how my Monday morning was starting out!!!  (And while I was cleaning up his poop, he PEED!!!!!!)  

And I'm going to try and throw in some random photos to speed up my catch up process....

Princess Press-On Nails from the Easter Bunny!

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