Saturday, July 21, 2012

Three Months!!!!!!

Where does the time go?!
I need to quickly post this 3 month entry before he turns 4 months!!!!!  Each stage continues to be more entertaining (especially for the girls!) and he is becoming a more laid back baby with our hustle and bustle family!
So smiley!!!
He's starting to look like such a little boy! 

Behind the scenes of our photoshoot (we had him in the bumbo) and my assistants!  :) 
Kai said, "It's like he's in the circus!"  :)
Already hittin the books!
Hailey said, "Oh, Mom!  He is just too adorable!"

Random cuteness!

This was one of the outfits I bought on EXTREME clearance at our PX in the Winter...just by chance he happened to be a boy!  I set him down after he fell asleep and his little arm stayed up like he was saluting!
Sleep!!!!!  'Knock on Wood' (I'm actually scared to say this out loud) he hasn't had ONE single night since he was born that he has been awake longer than to just eat.  His internal clock seemed to be set from the get-go!  I'm up to feed/change/burp him and back asleep myself in less than 15 min!  That being said, I have no reason to complain about him being needy during the day!  :) 

He didn't want to be put down here....he'd wake up screaming at every attempt!  The laundry didn't get folded that night!

His absolute favorite place to nap...and Daddy happily obliges!
One of the first times he fell asleep alone since he was a newborn (meaning no rocking, bouncer, carride, etc)
I still swaddle him at night and he's now starting to take his nap and go to bed in his pack-n-play by himself.  He likes to snuggle his face on a receiving blanket (just like his biggest sister did!) and will usually get himself to sleep as long as his pacifier stays in until he falls asleep!

I have a feeling that most of his naps will be "on-the-go"
Some of his latest tricks... 

He has started grabbing at his toys

He is so strong but doesn't have much control yet!

A few more weeks and he should be a little more ready for this...he did ok but was pretty wobbly

He's started to deliberately kick at the toys
Already mastering that pouty lip!
He definitely loves his sisters!!!

And the tormenting begins!!!!!!
 And a video snippet...

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