Monday, January 14, 2013

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve we headed to a friend's house for an early dinner and then rushed home to change and go to a candlelight service at our church.  We let the girls open their Christmas Eve present earlier that morning since we knew our evening would be busy (and because they bugged us non-stop from the second that they woke up!)  They knew that they were getting new Disney Princess dolls for Christmas (like the size of American Girl dolls, but way cheaper) and they were able to guess which they were from the packaging!  I think we'll start a new tradition next year of having them open their presents from each other on Christmas Eve.  A friend does that with her two little ones and I thought it was just is one of the gifts that they are soooo excited about and it ties into one of the December sermons at church about the joy of giving...the chaplain asked us to visualize how excited we are to give our children presents on Christmas morning and then multiply that joy by infinity to express the joy that God must have felt when he gave His son to us.

After church we spread the reindeer food...I laughed at Kailee's reindeer food dump...she was cold and just dumped out the bag and rushed back inside!  ;)  
We took a quick picture in our Christmas jammies  (I know the flash messed up in the picture on the left, but I like that Leila was there in her jammies too!)

We put out cookies and carrots and headed off to bed! I was surprised at how easily they went to sleep, but it was pretty late!  Leevi and I didn't have to much left to prep so we weren't far behind them.