Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I got pretty excited when we had that super early snow before Halloween and was expecting it to be a winter wonderland this year, but we really haven't had too many flurries...a day here or there with probably no more than an inch.  And then in early December it warmed up again and our potential for snow became just rain!  AND the day before Christmas was 60 and sunny (even with my desire for snow I would take a day like that anyday!!!)  I suppose this is more of the norm for this area and we were just really spoiled the first winter we moved here (God must have been giving us a treat after living in Hawaii for so long (as if that wasn't a treat enough in itself!)
We hadn't cleaned up after Leila for a few days so the backyard was OFF-LIMITS for playing in the snow, but we headed up to the park at the end of our street (50 yards from our house) and rolled big snowballs back to our house to make a snowman! 
Some kids had started a snowfort at the park!  It's definitely on my to-do list for the backyard the next chance we get! 

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